Scott Benefiel has been an illustrator for several years working as a storyboard, comic book, and conceptual artist for most of his professional life. He designed VFX storyboards for the new COSMOS TV series, and was part of AARON SOWD PRODUCTIONS where he created pre-vis storyboard art on feature films for Will Smith’s OVERBROOK PRODUCTIONS.
He’s been a cinematic storyboard artist for several AAA video game titles including DESTINY 2: FORSAKEN, HALO 4, THE BOURNE CONSPIRACY, and two of the TRANSFORMERS projects as well. Developers include High Moon Studios, Activision/Blizzard, Bungie, Jam City, 343 Studios, Presto Studios, and many more.
He was also an artist for the ADULT SWIM for awhile, and a board artist for other numerous television and film projects. He was a conceptual artist for the award-winning animated film ROBOTECH: THE SHADOW CHRONICLES for HARMONY GOLD as well.
Scott’s been a professional comic book artist for over 20 years working for numerous publishers such as MARVEL, DC, TOP COW, IMAGE, WILDSTORM, DARK HORSE, DISNEY, and a slew of others. He’s worked on such titles as SUPERMAN, HELLBOY, JUSTICE LEAGUE of AMERICA, WITCHBLADE, WILD-Cats, TOMB RAIDER, JSA, GEN-13, SILVER SURFER, and many more too numerous to mention.
A professional writer and actor for over a decade, Scott wrote and performed in the feature romantic comedy THE MONTH OF AUGUST. The movie garnered numerous awards from several film festivals around the country including “Best Feature” and “Best Screenplay” honors. He recently finished work on his first novel and is at work on his second.
Other creative endeavors include writing and starring in the internet series GHOST PROVOKERS, a parody of the ghost hunting shows which currently proliferate the airwaves (www.ghostprovokers.com). He also writes and draws the webcomic CORK (www.corkcomic.com).